Our board is committed to operating with an equity framework, supporting the flattened structure of Resolutions Northwest, regularly examining power dynamics and seeking input from those most impacted.

To commit to creating more equitable, just, & connected communities by helping Resolutions Northwest provide equity-informed programs & services.

To voluntarily provide program & financial oversight to RNW and actively support staff (Co-Directors) in strategic decision-making processes, goal-setting, brainstorming intentional & thoughtful ways to support the community, and accountability when needed.

Foster more intentional & thoughtful connections throughout PDX by providing avenues for community members to support RNW with their time and resources. Spread awareness about RNW services: community mediation, landlord-tenant mediation, restorative justice, equity trainings & consultation to address need for increased dialogue & understanding in communities, public/private agencies, and other settings in order to advance racial justice.

  • Review our FAQ
  • Fill out an application HERE
  • Have a short interview (30-45 minutes). Interview Questions
  • Join an upcoming board meeting, where we will make time for questions/introductions and give you a chance to see our process
  • Current members vote on all potential members joining
  • We will reach out to talk through all of this with you!


* Attending Monthly Board & Committee Meetings

  1. General Board Meeting | Last Monday every month @ 6-8pm.
  2. Committee Meetings | You can choose to participate – scheduled as needed (1-2 hrs)
  3. Annual Retreat | (Zoom – 6-8 hrs)

* Operating with an Equity Framework

  1. Keep Race On The Table | Use an anti-Blackness, colonialism, and intersectional lens
  2. Centering The Most Historically Impacted | Center the voices, experiences, and needs of BIPOC and those at the intersections of multiple marginalized identities. They are the most qualified to direct efforts to redress the inequities they experience. 
  3. Focus On Outcomes, Not Intentions | Shift systems to shift behavior and hearts and minds will follow.
  • Modeling RNW Values.
  • Seeking input from those most affected by decisions and also upholding and support flattened team structure.
  • Taking annual board self assessment and following up on growth areas, as identified.
  • Developing, supporting, and working collaboratively with staff Co-Directors to lead the execution of RNW’s mission, strategies, and programs.
  • Giving within your means. This could be specific skills (e.g. financial knowledge, development skills, flatter hierarchy consultancy, etc.), donation, fundraising effort, promotion of RNW’s events and trainings, etc.
  • Reviewing annual organizational finances and being sure the organization has controls in place


  • Roles: Co-Chair(s), Secretary, Treasurer, General Members (quorum)
  • Board Governance Committee (Co-Chair requirement) weekly
  • Board Finance Committee (Treasurer requirement) 1 meeting per month
  • Board/Staff Collaboration Committee 1 meeting per month


  • Complete the creation of the annual self assessment
  • Continue work to flatten the structure of the board
  • Continue recruitment
  • Update the board mission, vision and initiatives
  • Board Fundraising Committee (in the start up phase)
  • Committee Updates